
The Sorceress Scandal Part 2

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Literature Text

Lillian yawned as she sat up in the large, luxurious bed the Academy had provided her with, slipping off her blindfold allowing her eyes to adjust to the daylight.  She looked beside her, and was not surprised to find that Malice was not there.  Their intimacy was purely physical, even back in their apprentice days, and Lillian would have been disappointed if Malice had tried to make it out to be more than that.  More so, she would have been suspicious; Malice only feigned genuine affection when she wanted something.

Lillian slipped out of bed and got dressed, putting on a fresh dress and went in search of Karyn, and was please to find the muscular woman leaving her bedroom just as Lillian arrived.  Karyn greeted her with a friendly nod, then looked back into the room.

“Are you coming out?” Karyn said, calling into the room.

“No!” came the muffled answer.

“Kai’s hiding under the bed,” Karyn explained with a shrug.  “She’s apparently living in fear of being dissected by curious sorceresses.  I guess that will teach her for believing your patience was unlimited.”

“If you behave, and I mean really behave,” Lillian called into the room, “I promise to call them off.”

Grumbling to herself, Kaimela shuffled from the room, looking rather dishevelled.  She looked Lillian straight in the eye and said, “You are evil.”

Both Lillian and Karyn had to stifle their laughter, but their good humour was ruined when Esma came running up to them.  Panting and her face red, the plump sorceress struggled to regain her breath, the distress evident on her face.  “Waverly,” she managed to rasp.  “Someone has attacked Waverly!”

“What?” Lillian asked, throwing a concerned looked to Karyn.

“Someone attacked her during the night,” Esma said, doing her best to explain.  “They took her magic.  Malvena wants to see all of us right away!”

Nodding gravely, Lillian followed Esma, as did Karyn and Kaimela.  They travelled down the vaunted halls of the Academy, noticing that all the apprentices were being ushered back to their dorm rooms by worried looking teachers.  Fear was the predominant emotion of the day, and considering what happened to Waverly it was very much understandable.  

They were brought before High Sorceress Malvena, who had also summoned Lydia, Cecilia and of course Malice.  The sorceresses were seated Malvena’s desks, save for Lydia who was pacing furiously, and the mood of the room was subdued and thick with tension.  Chairs were provided for Lillian and Esma, while Karyn and Kaimela stood against the far wall to observe the proceedings.  With all of them now there, Malvena explained the situation.

“This is a most dire situation,” the elder sorceress said, her expression grave.  “To have one of our most respected members assaulted in her room, but to her strip of her powers as well is probably the most heinous crime one could commit against us.”

“Is that even possible?” Cecilia asked.

“There are certain spells, forbidden spells,” Esma said, shifting in her chair to try and get comfortable.  “I have read about them in the library achives, but from what I understand the spells themselves have been destroyed to prevent them being used.  I assume it is possible copies could survive, or be found in other nations.”

“It was you!” Lydia snarled, jabbing a finger at Esma.  “Only you would have access to this information, you fat cow!  You’ve been jealous of us and our success since we were apprentices, and now you are trying to get revenge on us by stealing our power!  Think about it, she spends all her time in her precious library, no doubt scouring the history books for ways to humiliate us!”

“Lydia, calm down,” Lillian said, getting up from her chair and getting in between the two women.  “I understand your feelings but accusing Esma does not achieve anything.  If she was behind this, why would she tell us about these spells?  And how did she get access to them as they would not be held in the library where any apprentice could stumble across them.”

“And not to point out the obvious,” Malice said, “Esma isn’t built for stealth.  We need to keep our heads clear.  Countess Lightstrom, you and your companions are the only ones here we know could not be behind this, perhaps we should have you lead this investigation?”

“How do we know she isn’t behind it?” demanded Lydia, her face turning red.  “This attack only happened after she arrived!”

“Because she was with me last night,” Malice replied smugly, winking at Lillian.

Karyn leaned over to Kaimela and whispered, “Kai, you might want to pick your jaw up off the floor.”

“Malice has a point,” Malvena said, standing up from her seat.  “Countess, can we leave this in your capable hands?”

“I will get to the bottom of this,” Lillian said.  “Can I speak with Waverly?”

“She is in the infirmary,” Malvena said.  “She is conscious, but whatever was done to her has left her weak.  Treat her gently.”

“I will,” Lillian said.  “I may need to speak to all of you, on your own.  I take it you have no objections?”  There was none.  “Good.  I will get started straight away.  Karyn and Kaimela will assist me, so I expect them to receive the same courtesy and respect you would afford to me.”

“You expect me to play nice to this barbarian and this…” Lydia stared at Kaimela, searching for an appropriate insult.

“This barbarian is a close friend of the Queen and has saved the Queendom many times,” Karyn said, crossing her massive arm across her chest as she glared at Lydia.

“And I exist!” Kaimela replied with a big cheesy grin.  

“Enough, Lydia!” Malvena snapped.  “You will go to your room and wait for Lillian to come question you.  As will all of us.  I have cancelled all classes and events at the Academy until this is resolved, and anyone found where they are not meant to be will be bound, gagged and locked up until this matter is dealt with.  Do you understand?”

Lydia simmered with rage, but did not rebuff the high sorceress.  With that, the meeting was adjourned and the sorceresses sent to their rooms.  Lillian joined Karyn and Kaimela, and then found that Malice had stayed behind.  The sexy sorceress seemed to have subdued her usual flippancy, no doubt understanding the seriousness of the situation.

“I will go speak with Waverly,” Lillian said, setting out how they would start their investigation.  “Kaimela, can you search her room for clues?  I suspect your particular skill set is best suited for that.  And Karyn, can you talk to the apprentice that was with Waverly?  I doubt it will yield results, but perhaps the effect you have on the young women here could work to our advantage.”

“No problems,” Karyn said.

“You know, I don’t know why we are investigating when we know who did it,” Kaimela said.  She then pointed an accusing finger at Malice.  “It was you, wasn’t it!”

“What?” Malice said with genuine surprise.

“Explain, Kai,” Karyn said, narrowing her eyes at her elven lover.

“It’s obvious!” Kaimela said.  “She is slinky and suspicious.  She just came back from Baillonnes, and more importantly, her name is Malice!  She is so obviously the villainess!”

Malice was taken aback but the accusation, but despite the situation Lillian and Karyn could barely hide their amusement.

“I am many things, but I am not a villainess,” Malice said, bemused.

“Perhaps you should tell Kaimela your family name,” Lillian suggested.

Malice’s face dropped.  “No.”

“Tell me!” Kaimela demanded, getting in Malice’s face.

“Blackheart,” Malice said reluctantly, causing Lillian and Karyn to snigger and Kaimela squealed in victory.  “I am not a villainess!  I even have an alibi!”

“Down, Kai,” Karyn said, wrapping her arms around Kaimela’s slender form.  “Malice is not the one we are after this time.  Do we actually have any viable suspects?”

“Out of Lydia, Cecelia and Esma?” Lillian said.  “Personally, I cannot see any of them being behind this.  Esma may lack the power of the rest of us, but I know she genuinely loves being the Academy’s librarian, and really doesn’t have the disposition for such a callous action.  Cecelia wants Malvena’s position, and is pretty much guaranteed it once the high sorceress choses to step down, so I cannot fathom what attacking Waverly would gain her.  Lydia is ambitious and is Waverly’s chief rival when it comes to the position of Royal Sorceress, but I can’t see her striking at her own sister in this way.”

“Families don’t always get on,” Karyn said pointedly, seemingly speaking from a personal place.  Lillian also noted that Kaimela shuffled her feet awkwardly at this.  

“We need more information,” Lillian said.  “And this is not getting us anyway.  We will meet up at my room at midday and discuss what we have discovered.  Malice, could I speak with you a moment?”

Karyn and Kaimela nodded and went off to investigate, with the elven rogue letting Malice know that she would be watching her before leaving.  Once they were alone, Lillian approached Malice and took on a serious expression.

“When did you leave this morning?” she asked quietly.

“Seriously, you suspect me?”

“I know you were gone when I woke up,” Lillian said.  “I know you vouched for me, but in doing so you also gave yourself an alibi.  And Kaimela wasn’t wrong when she pointed out where you have been out of the country.  I want to trust you, but I also know you.  So, when did you leave?”

“Is this you subtle way of wanting to get me tied up and in your control?” Malice said in her most sultry voice as she slinked up to Lillian.  She moved in so close they were almost kissing, but Lillian remained firm.  “Relax, I left just before dawn.  I know the rules between us and I also didn’t want to cause a scandal for you, so I slipped out early. Satisfied?”

“I had to be certain,” Lillian said.  “Go to your room, and try to stay out of trouble.”

“Always,” Malice said with a laugh, and headed off.  Lillian watched her go, wondering if she could truly trust her, but she had more important matters to attend to first.  So with that, she headed down to the infirmary to talk to Waverly.

* * *

Lydia stomped around her room, fuming.  She hated everything about what was going on.  Not only had someone attacked her sister, she had been banished to her room while Lightstrom conducted her investigation with her imbecile sidekicks.  Malvena must be becoming senile in her old age, as Lydia was the one who should have been put in charge of the investigation.  With her divination spells, she could solve this crime immediately, if only she could have access to her sister and the crime scene.  She needed access to whatever evidence was available, and she had been denied in favour of a woman who had washed her hands of the Academy years ago.  What a travesty!

If Lydia had been calmer, she may have reacted differently to the knock at her door.  If she had been clear headed, she would have cast a spell and learned who wanted to enter, and what their intentions were.  If she had not been so emotional, she might have stayed safe.  But instead, she had angrily swung open the door, and in doing so sealed her fate.

As soon as the door opened, the hooded woman sprang forward and jammed a leather ball into Lydia’s mouth, silencing her cry of surprise.  Before Lydia could react further, the woman let off her cocoon spell, and the enraged sorceress fell to the ground totally encased in magical energy made solid.  Lydia squealed behind the leather ball that filled her mouth, knowing what was coming but unable to do anything about it in her immobile state.  She could only watch in fear as the woman began chanting the forbidden spell she had used on Waverly.

* * *

Kaimela scoured over Waverly’s room, looking for any evidence that could help discover the identity of the villainess who had drained the sorceress of her magic.  Though she was not convinced Malice was entirely innocent, she had been falsely accused of enough things to give her the benefit of the doubt and let the evidence do the talking.  The problem was at this point in time, the evidence was keeping its mouth shut.

Sighing, Kaimela gave the room another once over to confirm her suspicions.  If the attacker had been anyone other than a sorceress, she was convinced she could find traces that would lead her and the others to the perpetrator’s doorstep.  But with magic involved … Kaimela shook her head.  Though she often made fun about how prim and proper Lillian could be, she was now grateful of that having seen what a sorceress with no such restraint was capable of.

Having no further luck, Kaimela slipped out of the room and started to make her way to the apprentice dorms, hoping to meet up with Karyn.   But as she strolled down the corridors of the Academy, she managed to catch a fleeting glimpse of a woman in a hooded robe moving hurriedly down the passageway.  That alone would have made Kaimela suspicious, but the fact her footfalls produced absolutely no noise told the elven rogue something serious was going down.

Kaimela followed the woman, keeping far enough back not to be seen and managing to remain almost as quiet as the hooded woman without the aid of magic.  She was grateful for the hood the woman wore, because despite it hiding the woman’s identity, it also cut off her peripheral vision, thus making it just that much easier for Kaimela to remain undetected.  

Kaimela followed the woman to a hall of paintings, with each portrait hanging on the wall displaying the likeness of some famous sorceress.  Kaimela could not tell them apart, as all their bald heads sort of bled into each other for her, but the woman seemed to heading to one in particular.  When she reached the painting, the hooded woman touched a hidden button in the frame, and a secret door hidden behind it popped open.  The woman slid inside and closed the door, leaving the hall empty save for Kaimela.

Kaimela approached the painting carefully, then placed an ear to its surface.  She doubted she would hear anything due to the hooded woman’s magical silence, but she needed to have a fair idea what to expect when she opened the secret door.  Grimacing at her lack of result, she reached over to the hidden button and triggered anyway, taking out a sleeping dart from her jacket.  The door popped open again, and Kaimela was greeted by the sight of a stairwell heading down.  It looked dark and possibly dangerous, so Kaimela did not hesitate in pushing on.

She slowly crept down the stairs until she reached the bottom, and found herself standing in a hidden library.  All the books down there were ancient, and were inscribed in languages she could not read.  She could not see the hooded woman, so she pressed on in, and noticed an open book on a nearby desk.  Again the tome was indecipherable, but the illustrations showed her this was the spell for taking a sorceress’s power.  

Next to the book, Kaimela noticed a silver bowl, and in it a silver straight razor, as well as the remains of freshly shorn stubble.  Someone had recently had a haircut, which meant one of the sorceresses above was not who she appeared to be.  

But before Kaimela could investigate further, she was grabbed from behind and a damp cloth clamped tightly over her face.  She let out a muffled gasp, and smelt the sickly sweet aroma of sleeping position.  Her attacker held on tight, waiting for the elven rogue to go limp.  But just as she thought she was victorious Kaimela, having simply held her breath, sprang back to life and slammed her head back into her attacker’s face.  Use the desk as leverage, Kaimela kicked backward and then the both of the tumbling head over heels, and quickly rolled to her feet as she prepared to fling her dart.

But the hooded woman was quicker than she expected, and let loose a magical wave of force that smashed Kaimela against the far wall.  The elven rogue slid to the floor, the wind knocked from her lungs.

“Interloper!” the hooded woman hissed, jamming a leather ball into Kaimela’s mouth and then securing it in place with a silk scarf.  The elven rogue was securely bound, with her arms locked behind her back at the elbows and wrists, and her legs tied at the knees and ankles.  The woman searched her, relieving her of her dagger and the rest of her darts.  “You almost ruined everything, you silly elf!  Thankfully I am gaining enough power to accelerate my plans, so this intrusion will be meaningless.  Now, you be a good elf and stay here.  I have work to do.”

Kaimela groaned behind her gag and watched as the hood woman left, trying to figure out who she was.  Her voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t place it.  She could only hope in the meantime struggle and hope that she could get free in time to warn the others.

* * *

Lillian had just finished speaking with Waverly, who had been left weak and sullen after her attack, but despite being awake for the ordeal was not able to provide any clue to her attacker.  But from little Waverly could tell her, the mysterious hooded woman was extremely skilled in her spell-casting, and was well prepared.  So whoever she was, she had been planning this for some time.  This made Lillian wonder about her reason coming back to the Academy.  Had Lisbeth really request this summons, or was this part of an elaborate plan to get all the senior sorceresses back where they would be in striking distance of the mystery woman.  Once she was finished up, she would need to talk to Malvena to see if she could inspect the documentation to see if it was real or not.

As Lillian was about to leave the infirmary, Karyn arrived from her part of the investigation.  The muscular woman had found no more success in question the apprentice than Lillian had with Waverly, but she did notice one thing Lillian had missed.

“Her hair is already growing back,” Karyn said quietly, nodding towards where Waverly lay.  Lillian looked back at the frail woman, and saw Karyn was right; dark stubble was beginning to show on her scalp.  That was not a good sign.  

“We need to solve this quickly,” Lillian sighed, rubbing her temples.  “Any sign of Kaimela?”

“No, but I was going to stop by Waverly’s room to see if she was there,” Karyn said.  “Who’s next on your list?”

“Lydia, if she is civil enough to answer my questions,” Lillian replied.  “I’d rather have her on our side in this.  Her specialization would be a great help, but if she is as combative as she was in the meeting, she won’t be of any use to anyone.”  

They headed out to see Lydia, stopping off at Waverly’s room only to find it empty.  Wherever Kaimela was, Lillian only hoped she was keeping out of trouble, though Karyn assured her that Kaimela would take her assignment seriously.  They then headed to Lydia room, but when they arrived, Lillian was disturbed to find Lydia’s door was slightly ajar.

Karyn wasted no time with pleasantries, kicking the door open and rushing inside.  Lydia was lying on the floor inside, unconscious and looking deathly pale.  Karyn searched the room as Lillian tended to the fallen sorceress, but there was no sign of her attacker.  Lillian cast a quick spell to confirm her suspicions, and found that Lydia was completely drained of her magic.

“How is she?” Karyn asked, kneeling beside Lillian.

“Drained, but otherwise unharmed,” Lillian replied.  “I don’t understand this.  Why strike again so soon?  And during daylight?  What is this woman up to?”

“Perhaps she’s on a tight time frame,” Karyn suggested.  “We know she’s about, so she is going as fast as she before she is caught.”

“I still don’t like it,” Lillian said, shaking her head.  “We need to get Lydia assistance, then check on the others.  Come, carry her for me.”

Karyn scooped up Lydia and then rushed her to the infirmary.  Once she was bedded and under observation by the Academy doctor, the pair when to check on the others.  Lillian had them check on Malice first, but the seductive sorceress was fine when they found her and insisted on accompanying them.  Considering what just had happened to Lydia, Lillian didn’t feel like disagreeing.  So the trio headed off to check on the others, all the time keeping their eyes peeled for any sign of the hooded woman.  They checked in on Esma next, but the plump librarian was perfectly fine.  She was sitting in her room reading through a thick tome, and was alarmed to hear what had happened to Lydia.  With safety in numbers being the order of the day, she too joined them as they went to check on Cecelia.  But when they reached her door, the sound of chanting within revealed they were too late.

Without hesitation, Karyn kicked the door open and charged inside.  The hooded woman was indeed inside, standing over the prone form of Cecelia.  The sorceress was encased in a cocoon of purple energy, unable to move, and she had something stuffed in her mouth to keep her quiet, and some sort of smoky essence flowed out of Cecelia and into her attacker.  

Karyn wasted no time in contemplation, letting out a battle cry and leaping at the hooded woman.  Unfortunately, the mysterious sorceress was prepared for such an eventuality and let loose a wave of force that caught Karyn in mid-air and sent her muscular frame flying backwards.  She collided with Lillian and Malice, bowling them over as her momentum sent her crashing into the passageway.  The hooded woman wasted no time, rushing passed them and racing down the passageway.  Esma did her best to stop the fleeing woman, trying to get off a binding spell, but the hooded woman just laughed as the rotund sorceress’s incantation dissolved against the invisible shield that surrounded her, and she then disappeared around the corner.  

Lillian and Malice got to their feet, and helped the dazed Karyn to stand upright, then continued their pursuit.  But when turned the corner, the passageway was deserted.  

“Where did she go?” Lillian growled, trying to find some clue.  But even with the help of Malice and some magic, they came up empty.  Whoever this woman was, she was very skilled at avoiding detection.  Unable to find her, they returned to Cecelia, where Lillian dispelled the cocoon that imprisoned her.  Cecelia spat out the leather ball that had been jammed into her mouth, her whole body shaking as she tried to sit upright.

“Are you okay?” Malice asked, kneeling beside the other sorceress.  

“I feel weak,” Cecelia replied weakly.  “I couldn’t do anything to stop her.  She gagged me and immobilized me before I knew what was going on, and I’d hate to think what would have happened if you hadn’t come by.”

“We need to get you to the infirmary,” Lillian said, “and organize some form of protection for you.  The woman got Lydia as well, I’m afraid.  Did you recognise her at all?”

“Her voice was familiar, but I couldn’t place it,” Cecelia said, rubbing her eyes.  “And her face was hidden by her hood.  She told me that I should feel privileged, as I was aiding her in some great task.  I would like to say she was insane, but she was too lucid and calculating for that.”

“And prepared,” Malice added.  “She hit Karyn with that force spell immediately, almost as if she was expecting us.  Let’s get Cecelia to safety and then go see if Malvena is safe.”

“By the Goddess, if she gets hold of the High Sorceress…” Lillian shook her head.  Wasting no more time, they scooped up Cecelia and headed back to the infirmary, which was becoming alarmingly overpopulated with senior sorceresses.

* * *

High Sorceress Malvena was safe when they went to see her in her office, having magically sealed her doorway to prevent entrance, but she was not happy to find that two more senior sorceresses had been taken out by the mysterious attacker.  She paced her room in an irritated fashion as Lillian explained the events that had just transpired.  She and Malice sat in simple chairs while Karyn stood leaning against a wall, feeling a little miffed that she had been caught out so easily by the hooded woman’s force attack.  Esma had stayed in the infirmary to watch over her fallen comrades, which Lillian had been grateful for.

“At least we’ve eliminated all of us as suspects,” Malice put in, though Lillian did not necessarily see that as a good thing.  With Malice and Esma being with her when they confronted the woman, and Lydia and Cecelia now victims she was rapidly running out of suspects.

“Malvena, do you have Queen Lisbeth’s summons?” Lillian asked.


“I suspect it may have been faked to lure us together,” Lillian explained.  “And if it is, it may give us some clue to this mystery woman’s identity.”

“I have it here,” Malvena said, walking over to her desk to retrieve the missive.  As she went, she passed by Karyn, who frowned at the high sorceress.  “Here it is,” Malvena said, taking out a scroll.

“You are probably not used to having someone as tall as me around,” Karyn said, her eyes narrowing and moving away from the wall towards Mavlena.

“Excuse me?” Malvena replied, confused.  She let out a startled gasp as Karyn grabbed her around the throat.

“Karyn!” Lillian shouted, shocked by her companion.  

“She has a fresh shaving cut on the top of her head,” Karyn said, explaining her surprising action.  

But then Malvena started to laugh.  “Clever,” she sneered, and stabbed Karyn in the arm with a familiar looking dart.  Karyn let out a slurred curse, then collapsed to the ground unconscious. Lillian and Malice jumped from their seat, preparing spells, but Malvena dropped into a crouch beside the sleeping woman, her hand crackling with electricity.  “Move and I kill her!” she hissed, an evil grin on her face.

“That threat might work on Lillian,” Malice replied, returning the grin.  “But the barbarian means nothing to me, and I am far more ruthless than our friend!”  Malice went to let loose a fire spell, but Lillian jumped in front of her.  

“No!” Lillian said, holding up her hands.  Malice cursed, but reluctantly depowered her spell.  Lillian turned to Malvena, who smirked back.  “What do you want?”

“First, for you to tie Malice up,” Malvena said, reaching beneath her robes and pulling out some loops of cord.  She tossed the cord to Lillian, then threw her a small leather ball.  “And shove that in her big mouth.”

Reluctantly, Lillian had Malice sit back down in her chair, then proceeded to tie her hands behind her back.  As commanded, she placed the ball between Malice’s lips, then bound it in place with a length of cloth that Malvena provided for her.

“Now gag yourself,” Malvena said, handing her another leather ball and scarf combination.  

Lillian glared at the High Sorceress as she gagged herself, then was forced to sit down next to Malice so Malvena could bind her hands.  With both of them secured, Malvena walked over to Karyn, who was already beginning to stir.  “The constitution on that woman!” the High Sorceress said, amazed that the muscular woman was beginning to wake.  Wasting no more time, she gagged Karyn with a length of cloth, then cast her cocoon spell to encase the waking giant.

“Now that should keep you all out of mischief,” Malvena said.  “I guess you are wondering what this is all about.  Well it is simple.  I am old, and my powers have been on the wane for years.  It had gotten so bad that my hair had started growing back.”

Lillian glared at her, helpless to do anything but listen to Malvena’s monologue.  

“Now I knew that there was a library of forbidden spells hidden on the Academy’s grounds,” Malvena continued.  “It took me months to search it for the right spell, but upon finding it I discovered I needed six powerful sorceresses to restore my magic fully and permanently.  So I concocted this little scheme to get you here.  Now you and Malice will be victims four and five, and Esma will be the last.  She is hardly powerful, but she will do for my purposes.  But there was a side effect of the spell I hadn’t expected, and it is truly wonderful.  Watch this…”

Malvena breathed in, bringing her hands to her face.  When she lowered them, she looked nearly twenty years younger than her sixty years, and her voice now lighter and higher in pitch.  

“Now which one of them do I drain first,” Malvena asked, giggling like an apprentice learning her first spell.

It was then the door burst open, and much to Lillian’s surprise Esma stomped in.  “You will be draining no more victims today, Malvena!” she shouted.

“And how did you figure it out?” Malvena asked, more amused by the plump sorceress than worried.

Kaimela stepped out from behind Esma, holding up a silver straight razor.  “One,” Kaimela said with a grin, “you shouldn’t leave your captives the means to cut their way free. And two…” Kaimela twisted the handle around, revealing the name inscribed upon it.  

“Clever,” Malvena chuckled, shaking her head.  “But pointless.”

With that, she unleashed a binding spell at the pair, but Esma was ready for her and deflected it with a shield incantation.  She then fired off her own binding spell, knowing it would not work but hoping to keep the High Sorceress distracted.  As the pair engaged in their magical duel, Kaimela sneaked around behind Lillian, and used to the razor to cut the sorceress free.

Once her hands were unbound, Lillian reached up and pulled her gag away, just in time to see Esma get wrapped up in magical chains, her lips sealed by a band of magical energy.  Malvena spun on her, and she and Lillian let loose spells in each other’s direction.  More magical chains encircled Lillian, binding her on the spot.

“You missed!” Malvena laughed triumphantly.  It was then Malvena realised the incantation Lillian had fired off was a dispel, and had been aimed behind her.  The treacherous High Sorceress turned only to have a strong hand clamp firmly over her mouth.

“No, she didn’t,” Karyn said, pulling the gag from her mouth.  “All the magic in the world won’t help you if you can’t use your mouth.  Kai, bind her!”

* * *

In was not long until Malvena, former high sorceress of the Arcane Academy, was sitting securely bound to a chair with thick rope.  One of the leather balls she was so fond of now filled her mouth, tightly bound in place with a silk sash.  Lillian had assumed control of the Academy for the next few days, making sure the Academy would run smoothly once she was gone.

Waverly, Lydia and Cecelia recovered nicely over the next few days, with the two sisters even beginning to show signs of gaining their magic back.  Lillian suspected it would take months for them to return to their true power, but it was a good sign that the effects of Malvena’s spell were not permanent.  That held true to Malvena herself, who soon reverted back to her true age, and by the time Lillian was ready to leave the woman held a thin coating of grey stubble covering her head.  

In a controversial decision, Lillian appointed Esma in charge of the Academy once she left.  The plump sorceress was embarrassed by her sudden rise to power, but Lillian thought it was well deserved, and she was not surprised when Malice supported her decision.  With everything now under control, Lillian prepared to return to Virago.

“Well, it was good to see you again,” Lillian said to Esma as she and Karyn gathered up their luggage in preparation to leave.  “Don’t worry, you will make a terrific High Sorceress.  And if you need help, you know where to find me.”

“Thank you for everything,” Esma said, bowing deeply.  “I hope I make you proud.”

“And were you glad to see me?” Malice asked, joining them.  Lillian noticed she had her own travel bags with her, so it seemed she was leaving as well.

“I am,” Lillian said.  “Though that said, the other night was just a one-time thing.  We’ve both grown up since our days in the Academy, and while you haven’t changed, I have.”

“A pity,” Malice said, laughing. “Especially since we will be seeing more of each other.  Apparently there is a new guild opening in Virago that is in need of a sorceress instructor.  I’ve decided to apply.”

“Really,” Lillian said dryly, throwing a look at Karyn, who just shrugged.  “Well, I suppose we should be off then.”

“I’m just waiting on Kai,” Karyn said, hefting up their bags.

“I need to apologize to her,” Lillian said.  “She has behaved herself more the most part, and really came through at the end.  I guess she just flummoxes me sometimes, but that is now in the past.”

“Not that far in the past,” Karyn said nervously, looking down the corridor.  Before Lillian could ask what she meant, a group of formerly curious, now terrified, sorceresses came running passed them.  

“Beware the she-wolf!” cried Kaimela as she chased after them, wearing nothing but a smile,

“By the goddess!” Lillian moaned, slapping her palm over her face.

“I’ll go get her,” Karyn sighed, and went jogging off after her elven lover.

“I think I am going to enjoy Virago,” Malice grinned at Lillian, who just shook her head in dismay.  

It was time to leave the Academy, before another scandal took place.
And here is part 2!

Hope people enjoyed this tale, which became more Lillian focused than I expected, but I feel that was good thing.  Many thanks to :iconwhiteravenlord: for the feedback in developing this story, as it was very much appreciated ;)

Hope people enjoy and please feel free to leave comment.  Naturally Lillian, Karyn, and Kaimela (and Malice) will return :D
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WhiteRavenLord's avatar
How fun. XD

Hmmm, I honestly think that this story could have been done in three parts rather than two, the reveal of the true villain as well as the fight itself seems rushed to me. Also you meant to put archives where it says library achieves in Esma's explanation as well as happy where it says happen when Lilian is telling Malvena what happened.